Logo, The Simplest Remedy

Nat Mur


4g – A tissue salt that may be effective in reducing the symptoms of colds that start with sneezing and the nose running like a tap.

Other conditions that may benefit include dry, itchy skin in the creases of a joint, PMSmenstrual symptoms and dryness of vagina at menopause often accompanied by feelings of sadness, resentment, irritability and a desire to be alone.

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A tissue salt that may be effective in reducing the symptoms of colds that start with sneezing and the nose running like a tap.

Other conditions that may benefit include dry, itchy skin in the creases of a joint, PMSmenstrual symptoms and dryness of vagina at menopause often accompanied by feelings of sadness, resentment, irritability and a desire to be alone.

Always read the label.  Homeopathic principles should be applied when using this remedy.  If symptoms persist, consult your health care professional promptly.
