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Natural Support for Toddlers, The Simplest Remedy, homeopathy, flower essences

Natural Support for Toddlers

Toddlers are right up The Simplest Remedy’s alley as all of my flower essences were created when I had three under four years of age keeping me on my toes. These essences have been tried and tested and there is nothing more rewarding to watch them work their magic right before my eyes! Here are some remedies that can help all parents with natural support for toddlers.

Flower Essences to Support Toddlers

Flower essences are a brilliant support for toddlers and are a safe and gentle natural remedy. If your toddler resists taking the drops under their tongue, you can add the drops to their water bottle. You might also like to choose the vegetable glycerine option as this has a slightly sweet taste.

  • The Food Critic – for fussy eaters or for those little people that find trying new foods, or meal times, a stressful situation. 
  • Potty Potion – a gentle flower essence to soothe worries about toileting. Suitable for all stages of toilet training, including regressions that may occur at various stages throughout toddlerhood. 
  • Sweet Dreams – assisting with peace and calm for a restful sleep
  • Tanty Tamer – sanity in a bottle! Honestly, a must-have for all parents as this little liquid gem comes in handy even with teenagers, believe me!! Helps to encourage a bit of perspective while taking a little heat out of situations to allow a rational re-set. 
  • Whoopsies – a fix-all when it comes to little people. Suitable for bumps, bruises, intense emotions such as shock and fear, and may assist with the recovery of injuries. 

“I wanted to let you know that it has been about one month (maybe six weeks) since we started using ‘The Food Critic’ for my extremely fussy eater. NOW SHE TRIES EVERYTHING ON HER PLATE, EATS ABOUT 99% OF WHAT IS OFFERED AND ACTUALLY ENJOYS TRYING NEW FOODS! It’s amazing! I’ve bought another bottle to send to a friend down south too! Thank you.” Brooke Batchelor

And of course, we can’t take care of the toddlers, if we aren’t taking care of the carers. Check out the following essences to support you putting your best parenting foot forward.

Flower Essences to Support Parents and Carers

  • Calm Your Farm – assists with taking the noise out of one’s mind by supporting a calm and patient mindset.
  • Rocket Fuel – nurture the adrenals and keep the energy levels high. 
  • Mother Being – knowing you are the best mother to your child can be tough to believe some days. Mother Being supports you in your motherhood journey on a spiritual level to know you are exactly where you need to be when it comes to raising your precious human.

Flower Essence Packs for Parenting Toddlers

  • Toddler Tactics – including The Food Critic, Potty Potion, Whoopsies to cover everything from fussy eaters, toilet training, and accidents and injuries.
  • Sanity Savers – Sweet Dreams, The Food Critic and Tanty Tamer has your back when it comes to sleep disturbances, fussy eaters and tantrums.
  • Terrible Two Combo – 2 of the most popular toddler essences in a discounted combo (The Food Critic and Tanty Tamer)
  • Bag of Tricks – a comprehensive pack to cover all bases with raising little humans. Especially handy if there’s more than one toddler in the house! Features Sweet Dreams, The Food Critic, Tanty Tamer and Whoopsies.

Homeopathic Remedies for Toddlers

Homeopathic remedies are great for using with toddlers as they are very safe, effective and mild.

  • The well-known combination of ABC is perfect for toddlers – Arnica, Belladonna and Chamomilla. When I get asked where people should start with homeopathics, I always respond with these three remedies as they are so versatile and support the body’s healing when it comes to accidents, injuries, bruises, shock, fever, pain, redness, swelling, teething, irritability, digestive upsets and the list goes on.
  • Teething Complex – a combination of the most effective homeopathic remedies for the teething child. Easy to pop in to their mouth – even while they are sleeping! 
  • Tantrum Complex – a beautiful combination of tissue salts, traditional homeopathic remedies and Bach flowers to support your child during the day’s tough moments.
  • Vacci-Relief Complex – handy to have on hand if you feel your little one struggles in the first couple of days after routine vaccines.
  • Children’s Homeopathic Kit – a comprehensive kit for any family looking to manage minor ailments and illnesses in a holistic and natural way.  24 remedies, 1 cream, 2 Kidz Minerals (tissue salts) and reference guide. 
  • Home Prescriber Books – I still use my book almost weekly and wouldn’t be without it. A quick and simple reference book to help you choose the correct remedy for anything from accidents and injuries to coughs and colds. 

I hope these tips for natural support for toddlers are useful to you! If you need any help selecting remedies, please reach out, I am happy to help.

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