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Natural Remedies for Accidents and Injury. Homeopathy, Flower Essences

Natural Remedies for Accidents and Injury

Minor accidents and injuries such as sprains, bumps, bruises, bites and stings can be effectively managed with natural remedies! Of course seek medical assistance when required for more serious issues. Let’s have a look at some natural remedies for accidents and injuries.

Arnica is generally the first introduction to homeopathy most people have. Thankfully it has become well known for its amazing healing properties and can be found in ointments, lotions and sports gels as well as the traditional homeopathic pillules. Pillules do tend to be the most cost effective though!

Arnica has the ability to support the body during times of stress (specifically trauma) and it can kick start the natural healing power within the human body. Arnica is safe to use on babies, pregnant women, as well as animals.

If you have been thinking about getting into homeopathy, I strongly recommend doing it with Arnica…and let the results speak for themselves!

Emergency Essence is handy because it can be quickly administered via an oral spray, drops in the mouth, or even misted in a space or topically to provide relief. It can support the body in times of shock, trauma, pain, fear and stress.


Whoopsies is my own essence blend that addresses shock, trauma and stress and can reduce pain and assist with recovery of minor injuries! It helps with minor busters, sprains and knocks as soon as they happen, and in the days after.

Traumeel is a great remedy available in a cream or tablets that is indicated for soft tissue swelling. As my kids get older, Traumeel is their go-to! We permanently have the cream and tablets in the kitchen drawer for handy use.

It is great for bed times when they suddenly remember that really bad ankle that’s been bothering them for week. Traumeel!

That obscure pain that moves from one leg to another and hurts at random times? Traumeel!

The bruise that is so impressive everyone wants to touch it? Traumeel!

Seriously, though, Traumeel has been my companion through childbirth, surgery, dental procedures, ED trips, and is definitely getting a work out now with two teenage boys that are always testing the laws of stupidity!

Try out Traumeel with 10% off for all of July 2024 only! Use the code: HELP

Hypericum is a great remedy when you have nerve pain or damage. Great for after a trip to the dentist, but it also can prove to be very helpful with back pain of pinched nerves.

Ledum is indicated for use with puncture wounds and also suitable for bites or stings. Sometimes referred to as a good remedy to take after Arnica as it helps to clean up after the bruising is complete.

Rhus Tox is a great remedy where you suffer stiffness from overstrain.

Ruta Grav can be used when there are sprains and strains to knees, ankles and wrists. It may relieve symptoms to injuries where bones are close to the surface, for example shin and it may relieve stiffness, pain and weakness in the joints.

Accident & Injury Complex is a great all-rounder and contains most of the remedies mentioned. So this is a great combination to have on hand, no matter what comes your way!

Application of hot or cold therapy can also be useful for injuries. The general rule is to apply ice for injuries and heat for muscular pain or tightness. There are contraindications though, so please research this!

A magnesium bath is also a soothing remedy that can help you relax and relieve pain and muscle soreness. Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) is useful but magnesium chloride is absorbed better into the skin.

There are many essential oils that can be useful for accidents and injuries including lavender, peppermint, wintergreen, bergamot, marjoram and rosemary. You can research these to ensure you find the right oil for your use.

As far as healing foods for injury and accidents go, bone broth is great to consume. The collagen in bone broth can help to support tissue repair and reduce inflammation, which is important for healing after an injury. It is also easy to digest, hydrating and nutrient-dense which is great if you don’t have much of an appetite.

These natural remedies for accidents and injuries are great to have in your home first aid kit. They are great for children, anyone who does sports or is accident-prone or just for those of us getting older and pulling muscles just by sneezing! There is a remedy for everyone.

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