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Natural Remedies for Hormone Health. Practical support for naturally managing hormone health. Flower essences for hormones.

Hormone Health

Natural Remedies for Hormone Health

There are times in our life when our hormones go through periods of imbalance which can cause uncomfortable and often debilitating symptoms. However, there are many things you can do to naturally address the imbalance and improve how you are feeling.

Puberty, pregnancy, perimenopause, menopause are all times when our hormones might need some extra support.

Woman Essence
Woman Essence - Skin & Space Mist

Flower Essences

Flower essences provide a wonderful emotional support for the upheavals of hormonal imbalance. 

She Oak is an essence which is useful for overcoming emotional imbalances and bringing about a sense of wellbeing in women. Interestingly, the fruit of this tree is similar to the size of a woman’s ovary and the essence is taken from the female tree.  

Mulla Mulla may help with women experiencing hot flushes during menopause. Boab is an essence that can clear blocks in the family history. 

Woman Essence is a wonderful blend that harmonises any emotional imbalances during menstruation and menopause. It helps women feel good about themselves, their bodies and their beauty. Brilliant for anyone experiencing mood swings.

I can also make you up a personalised essence to help with hormones.  Personally, I tweak the Woman Essence for myself according to what I need. 

My New Mum Kit brings together three flower essence blends that can have a profound impact on a pregnant mumma as she prepares to give birth and care for her newborn. These blends can help with emotional support of pregnancy, labour and breastfeeding – all times when hormones are really getting a work out!

Flower Essence Mists

Mists are also a lovely way to help regain hormonal balance. The Woman Mist works perfectly alongside the Woman Essence. Sensuality Mist and Calm and Clear Mist can also be useful. 

Homeopathic Remedies

There are many amazing homeopathic remedies that can assist with your hormones.


See a practitioner if you have heavy or painful periods. For milder symptoms, the following remedies may be useful for PMS symptoms. 

If you have breast tenderness, Calc Carb, Phytolacca or Pulsatilla may be used. Mag Phos is great for cramping. If your cramping includes diarrhoea, then Chamomilla is indicated. 

Pulsatilla is good for cutting, tearing pains with nausea, headache and tearfulness.  If you have a bearing down feeling, low back pain and indifference to family, then Sepia is recommended.

If there is weight increase, then try Graphites. Lycopodium can help when presenting with despair and bloating. Nat Mur is for irritability and wanting to be left alone. Nux Vom when you feel quarrelsome, Pulsatilla when you feel teary and Sepia when you feel moody can all be a great help!


When puberty is too early and excessive or you have cramps with headache use Calc Phos. If it is delayed and protracted and the person is weepy, Pulsatilla is a good one.

If puberty is delayed with moody and irritable tendencies, Sepia is recommended. Cramps with breast tenderness may be helped with Calc Carb and cramps with depression or low self esteem may be helped with Lycopodium.


China or Phosphorus is indicated when menstrual flooding occurs. Hot flushes with a red, burning face and palpitations may be relieved with Belladonna. If you are intolerant of tight clothing, try Lachesis. 

Pulsatilla may be used for milder hot flushes, teariness and wanting company.

However Sepia is for when you want to be left alone, are indifferent towards family and have flushes of heat. If you are hot with burning feet and frequent waking, then Sulphur is indicated. 

Other Natural Remedies for Hormone Health

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs can be very useful for hormone imbalance. Find yourself a skilled practitioner with experience in this area.

There are many herbs that can help with hormones depending on your presentation, Maca Root may be useful for perimenopause, menopause, depression and stress as it is an adaptogenic herb. It can be found in powder form for easy use. Chaste Tree Berry is particularly good for PMS symptoms. See a naturopath or herbalist to see what herbs are right for you. 

Reducing stress can make a huge difference to our hormone health. Change your lifestyle and add in more relaxing activities like yoga, meditation and tai chi to reduce cortisol levels.

Reducing toxins and plastics in the house, environment and food can also help your hormones. Many of these are hormone disruptors. Choose organic where you can and use all natural personal and cleaning products

Having a healthy lifestyle in general is vital for good hormone health so don’t overlook the basics of good gut health, good sleep, good food and exercise while reducing sugar, alcohol, caffeine and processed foods.

  • This great recipe from nutritionist Natalie Brady can help you balance your hormones, naturally and deliciously!

    ½ cup pumpkin seeds
  •  1 cup walnuts
  •  ½ cup ground flaxseeds
  •  2 tbsp chia seeds
  •  ¼ cup coconut oil
  •  5 medjool dates
  •  ¼ cup raw cacao powder
  •  ½ tsp cinnamon
  •  2 tbsp maca powder
  •  2 tbsp water
  • Find the recipe here

I hope these natural remedies for hormone health have given you a starting point to addressing any imbalances. It goes without saying that you should always consult your medical practitioner for specific advice. This information serves as general information for you to investigate further. 

I would love to hear from you. What have you found that helps you with your hormone health? Let me know!

SOURCES:  Australian Bushflower Essences, Owen Homoeopathics 

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