Toddlers are right up The Simplest Remedy’s alley as all of my flower essences were created when I had three under four years of age keeping me on my toes. These essences have been tried and tested and there is nothing more rewarding to watch them work their magic right before my eyes! Here are some remedies that can help all parents with natural support for toddlers. Flower Essences to Support Toddlers Flower essences are a brilliant support for toddlers and are a safe and gentle natural remedy. If your toddler resists taking the drops under their tongue, you can …
We all know there is a reason why humans need to get their teeth very young – so we don’t remember the pain and discomfort that is cutting teeth! The parents of us will remember or sympathise with the drudgery of managing a teething baby. It can be a difficult time of restless sleep, temperatures, runny stools, endless drooling and a loss in appetite. And with every tooth that is cut, we all breathe a sigh of relief in knowing that our smiling, happy baby will soon return. I’m really excited by this blog as my three children were so …