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Support for Carers and Caregivers. Homeopathy and Flower Essences to support those in caring roles, emotional support

Caring for other people is a beautiful privilege and a rewarding experience. It can also be very emotional and exhausting, so it is important to practice self care while in this role. Whether you are looking after children, elderly parents or those with an illness or disability, creating a good balance and finding adequate support is crucial to ensure your wellbeing.  Often carers and caregivers are performing this role over a long period of time, so it is very important to consider how you will be able to make it sustainable and avoid burn out.  The emotional aspect of care-giving …

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Matrescence Support. Motherhood journey, supporting mum's wellbeing, flower essences

The term matrescence is used to describe the transition or process that women go through when they become a mother – whether that is through pregnancy, surrogacy or adoption. It is not a common phrase, but perhaps one we need to talk about more and honour as a milestone in the lifetime of a woman.  Motherhood changes us in so many ways – physical, emotional and spiritual at a very deep level. The process of becoming a mum is actually like a metamorphosis! It is one of the most beautiful, profound things we can experience in our lives as well …

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Natural Remedies for Stress

We all know stress is not great but did you know that long term stress is really harmful to your physical and mental health? “Diseases whose development has been linked to both stress and inflammation include cardiovascular dysfunctions, diabetes, cancer, autoimmune syndromes and mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety disorders.” PubMed Getting on top of our stress levels and finding peace and calm is vital to our wellbeing! This can be a challenge in today’s modern world when we are busy with working, parenting and daily life. But with some natural remedies to support and some lifestyle changes, it is …

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